The consultants of Agro Service Center observe the ongoing works in citrus admission-sorting facilities

The specialists of Khelvachauri Informational-Consultative Service Center visit citrus admission-sorting facilities in Khelvachauri municipality. At this point, companies packaged and sorted out 2 000 tons of citrus which is already transported for realization. Announcement of new state subsidy program for citrus improved the citrus processing process in the enterprises. Makho and Tkhilnari citrus admission-sorting facilities packed and sorted out of 250-340 tons of citrus so far.  Besides, 35 tons of citrus is ready for realization in Tkhilnari enterprise, while Erge citrus admission-sorting enterprise has problems regarding to the citrus admission because of snow and damaged roads.

Citrus companies receive standard size citrus in 35 Tetri, however farmers get additional 15 tetri within the frame of State subsidy program. In particular, citrus farmers receive additional 15 tetri as a state subsidy for one kg tangerine sold for 35 tetri on their bank accounts. Agro Service Center consultants commence monitoring the citrus admission-packing enterprises.