Gvara-Khucubani fruit and wine collective nursery
In Gvara-Khutsubani fruit collective nursery Agro Service Center cultivated 4000 vine and fruit saplings. In particular, 25 breeds of Georgian and foreign vine, as well as saplings of apple, pear, cherry, peach and other fruits are cultivated in the nursery. From above mentioned varieties of grapes some are table grapes and others are wine grapes. From table grapes some varieties are worth mentioning, such as Cardinal, Crimson Seidler, Don Mariano, Alfonso Laveli, Prima, Italy, Datieri, Alredo, Saba Pearl, Qartuli Saadreo, and Sultanini. As for the wine grape varieties Chkhaveri, Tsolikauri, Batumura, Tadzigura, Klarjuli, Qaqutura, Tsitsqa, Krakhuna, Ojaleshi, Aleqsandrouli, Usakhelauri are cultivated in the nursery. There are pearls varieties named as Conferencie, Abate Fetel and Apple varieties Golden Rash, Shampane Renet, Florina, Fuji Kiku, Rubinola, Gala Shniga, Porlaideri, Sinap, Samerland cultivated in the Gvara-Khutsubani fruit and wine nursery. Besides the above mentioned fruit varieties organization owns cherry, peach, plum, almond, persimmon, olive, wild plum and other fruit saplings in the nursery.
For the production of vine and fruit perspective breeds organization received 2500 rootstocks in the nursery, which are defined with high productivity and small tree height. After 2-3 year it will be possible to produce new saplings from mother plants in the nursery and Agro Service Center plans to sell them to farmers with price. Above mentioned saplings and rootstocks were presented to Agro Service Center by the National Centre for Grapevine and Fruit tree Planting Propagation of Saguramo.