Specialists of Agro Service Center visit quail farming

The employees of Batumi Informational-Consultative Service Center visit quail farming of Natela Bejanidze in airport district, Batumi, where an average from 2000 to 3000 quails have been produced in a month. The farmer began his family business by producing the pheasants three years ago but a year later moved to the quail production because of failure in the business. According to the farmer quail farming is less expensive, because it is disease-free bird. However, a problem is the realization of products, especially in spring and autumn. The Farmer is able to increase the production three times if realization problem is solved. Beside this, problem is installation of heating and ventilation systems as well.

Agro Service Center specialists introduced the subprograms of the Ministry of Agriculture of Ajara and Small Business Support Program of Agro Service Center to the farmer and promised help in case of need.