Support to the animal husbandry Continues

Within the frame of  ENPARD AJARA Support to Agricultural Development in Ajara region, Agro Service Centre bought new fodder receiever , which is based on the hidroponik system. There are 98 trays in it and  350 kg corn (barley, wheat) are  available to plant. After one week from 1 kg corn,  we can get 8 kg green grass. The mentioned food includes the high emounts of (Food unit, the digestion of protein, carotene, calcium and phosphorus). We can produce this product  during the year. We can replace the following food such as: a hay, straw and  silos. To feed is very useful for dairy cattle,   the grass is cheap and milk quantity is growing with 30 %. The equipment will be demonstrative function and then will be given to farmers.