Khelvachauri informational-consultative service center visit poultry farming in Akhalsheni

The specialists of khelvachauri informational-consultative service center visited poultry farming “Akhalsheni” and observed food processing machine, storage and eggs package machinery in the farm. As they mentioned sanitarian-hygiene norms in the farm is in accordance with the zootechnik requirements.

It was the second time consultants visited the farm, as they observed the conditions in it last summer. According to them the output production in the farm is significantly increased compared to the last year.  At the present farmer owns 30 000 chickens in the farm and gets about 15-16 thousand of eggs daily, while last year the number of chickens were 12 000 and of eggs - 9,5-10 thousand. As for the food for chickens it’s made by mixing the plural cereals, premix and limestone. Agro Service Center consultants provided the employees of farm with consultations and presented informational booklets about important issues of greenery and animal husbandry.